Rocking Responsiveness
Our React-based App rewrite continues with a big overhaul of the chart components.
Say Yay! to
- Fully zoomable charts
- Page resize responsiveness
- More intuitive buttons
- A loading bar, which you hopefully won't see to often.
- Pinch to zoom on mobile devices (experimental).

In our quest to simplify charts
- candlestick charts were dropped in favour of a simplified view,
- crosshairs were removed, and
- layout tweaks were added for very large screens.
Known issues
- Chart updates are sometimes "jittery".
- Very high loading times on charts of popular coins, with large
visible ranges (ie. BTC for last year). Being worked on.
(edit: fixed in MNPI)
Overall, we are very pleased with cleaner charts and cleaner code, that will allow us to make changes quicker in the future. Yet of course, we are very eager to hear your opinion, so let us know what you think!